
NetworkInterface.create_feature_class((NetworkInterface)self, (str)name, (GeometryTypes)geom_type[, (Owner)owner=None[, (list)object_properties=[][, (list)simplex_properties=[][, (GSTSRSRef)srs=None[, (PropertyAlignments)property_alignment=GSTPy.PropertyAlignments.VERTEX_ALIGNED[, (ZAxisDomain)z_axis_domain=GSTPy.ZAxisDomain.Height]]]]]]) → FeatureClassDesc :

Create a new feature class.

  • name (str) – The name of the feature class.
  • geom_type (GeometryTypes) – The type of geometry that can be stored in the feature class.
  • owner (Owner) – The owner of the feature class.
  • object_properties (list[NewProperty]) – The list of object properties of the feature class.
  • simplex_properties (list[NewProperty]) – The list of simplex properties of the feature class.
  • srs (SRS) – The SRS of the feature class.
  • property_alignment (PropertyAlignments) – The Alignment of the simplex properties.
  • z_axis_domain (ZAxisDomain) – The z-axis domain of the feature class.

The feature class description.

Return type:
