
class GSTPy.NetworkInterface

Connection / Interface to the database.



NetworkInterface.list_features(…) Get a list of all features of a feature class.
NetworkInterface.get_feature(…) Download a feature.
NetworkInterface.get_feature_custom_format(…) Download a feature in a custom format.
NetworkInterface.get_feature_locked(…) Download a feature for editing.
NetworkInterface.save_feature(…) Download a feature directly to the filesystem.
NetworkInterface.upload_feature(…) Upload a new feature.
NetworkInterface.update_feature(…) Update a previously checked out feature.
NetworkInterface.delete_feature(…) Delete a feature.
NetworkInterface.lock_feature(…) Lock a feature for edit.
NetworkInterface.instant_update_feature(…) Update a feature without a separate locking step.
NetworkInterface.rename_feature(…) Renames a feature.
NetworkInterface.recolor_feature(…) Recolors a feature.

Feature Classes

NetworkInterface.list_feature_classes(…) Get a list of all feature classes visible for the current user.
NetworkInterface.create_feature_class(…) Create a new feature class.
NetworkInterface.delete_feature_class(…) Delete a feature class.
NetworkInterface.rename_feature_class(…) Rename a feature class.
NetworkInterface.set_srs_for_feature_class(…) Set the SRS information on a feature class.
NetworkInterface.unset_srs_for_feature_class(…) Remove the SRS information from a feature class.
NetworkInterface.change_srs_for_feature_class(…) Change the SRS information of a feature class.


NetworkInterface.list_object_properties(…) Get a list of all the object properties of a feature class.
NetworkInterface.list_simplex_properties(…) Get a list of all the simplex properties of a feature class.
NetworkInterface.add_object_property(…) Add an object property to a feature class.
NetworkInterface.add_simplex_property(…) Add a simplex property to a feature class.
NetworkInterface.remove_object_property(…) Remove an object property from a feature class.
NetworkInterface.remove_simplex_property(…) Remove a simplex property from a feature class
NetworkInterface.rename_object_property(…) Rename an object property.
NetworkInterface.rename_simplex_property(…) Rename a simplex property.
NetworkInterface.list_object_property_values(…) Get a list of all object property values of a feature.
NetworkInterface.update_object_property_value(…) Update an object property value.


NetworkInterface.list_srs((NetworkInterface)self) Get a list of all currently available SRS.
NetworkInterface.create_srs(…) Create a new SRS in the database.
NetworkInterface.delete_srs(…) Delete an SRS in the database.
NetworkInterface.update_srs(…) Update an SRS in the database.
NetworkInterface.get_srs_item_desc(…) Get an SRS’s item description.

Boreholes / Intersection

NetworkInterface.save_borehole_image(…) Create a virtual borehole image.
NetworkInterface.save_cross_section_image(…) Create a virtual cross section image.
NetworkInterface.save_map_section_image(…) Create a virtual map section image.
NetworkInterface.save_borehole_shape(…) Create a virtual borehole shapefile as zip file.
NetworkInterface.save_cross_section_shape(…) Create a virtual cross section shapefile as zip file.
NetworkInterface.save_map_section_shape(…) Create a virtual map section shapefile as zip file.


NetworkInterface.create_element(…) Create a new MoMa element.
NetworkInterface.create_element_link_adjacency(…) Create a new MoMa link to an element and add it as child to the parent link.
NetworkInterface.create_feature_link_adjacency(…) Create a new MoMa link to a feature and add it as child to the parent link.
NetworkInterface.list_levels(…) Get a list of element levels, sorted ascending by their depth.
NetworkInterface.list_children(…) Get a list of all direct child links of a link.
NetworkInterface.list_elements(…) Get a list of all elements of a specific owner and level.
NetworkInterface.list_owners(…) Get a list of all users and groups for which the current user has access rights to.
NetworkInterface.get_current_gst_user(…) Get the current GST user.
NetworkInterface.rename_element(…) Rename an element.
NetworkInterface.delete_element(…) Delete an element.
NetworkInterface.delete_link_adjacency(…) Delete a link and remove it from its parent
NetworkInterface.get_bbox_of_link(…) Get the bounding box for a MoMa link.
NetworkInterface.list_feature_ids_of_link(…) Get a list of all feature ids linked below this link.

MoMa Properties

NetworkInterface.create_moma_property(…) Create a new MoMa property.
NetworkInterface.get_moma_property_by_id(…) Get a MoMa property by id.
NetworkInterface.list_moma_properties(…) List all available MoMa properties.
NetworkInterface.update_moma_property(…) Update a MoMa property.
NetworkInterface.delete_moma_property(…) Delete a MoMa property.

MoMa Property Values

NetworkInterface.create_moma_property_value(…) Create a new MoMa property value.
NetworkInterface.list_moma_property_values(…) List all MoMa property values belonging to a property.
NetworkInterface.list_moma_property_values_of_element(…) List all MoMa property values belonging to a element node.
NetworkInterface.update_moma_property_value(…) Update a MoMa property value.
NetworkInterface.delete_moma_property_value(…) Delete a MoMa property value.


NetworkInterface.begin_commit(…) Create a new commit.
NetworkInterface.end_commit(…) Finish a commit.


NetworkInterface.release_lock(…) Release a held lock of a feature.
NetworkInterface.get_feature_desc_by_id(…) Get a feature description by its feature id.
NetworkInterface.get_feature_desc_by_lock_key(…) Get a feature description by lock key.